Stargazer’s World is now on Facebook
It seems everyone has a Facebook account now. Heck, even my mom is logged into…
Lazy Friday Video Post: Game Geeks #122
It has really been a busy week and as you may have noticed I haven’t…
10 RPG geeks you should follow on Twitter
The main problem when you start with Twitter is that you often don’t know who…
Medieval town map tutorial
Some days ago, fellow RPG blogger MJ Harnish pointed an awesome map-making tutorial out to…
Lazy Friday Video Post: The Dungeons and the Dragons
This video shows us why you never should invite your mom to play D&D! You…
Under the Dark Sun
This morning I noticed a post by Moritz Mehlem on his blog “Von der Seifenkiste…
RPG Blog II says “Thank You” to its readers
Fellow RPG Blogger Zach of RPG Blog II wants to say thank you to his…
Ask The Readers: Can I use the Kindle as a GM tool?
Amazon is finally shipping its Kindle ebook reader to Non-US customers, too. They still don’t…
The Fantasy Trip
D&D is not the only roleplaying game that evolved from miniature combat games. Steve Jackson’s…
GURPS anyone?
When you browse through the RPGBN member blogs you read a lot about D&D 4th…
Ask The Readers: Web comics for gamers?
I’ve been a fan of “Penny Arcade” pretty much from day one, and I was…
Lazy Friday Video Post: The Whisperer in Darkness
Recently I learned about the upcoming "The Whisperer in Darkness" movie. It's the second adaption…
The Shiniest Stories on Stargazer’s World Last Month
September was a pretty good month for my blog. Let’s have a look back on…
Is there still hope for Open D6?
A long time ago Eric Gibson, current owner of West End Games, announced that he…
Robin D. Laws interview
Recently I started reading Esoterrorists and Trail of Cthulhu again, since I am planning to…
THEY are out there!
I was a skeptic, a non-believer until I bought Monte Cook’s latest book “The Skeptic’s…