World Building Pt.1 – Addiction and Acceptance

Let’s say that game prepping for games is an addiction. In my mind there are stages to that addiction. The first stage is getting sucked in, at this point, you are probably using prepared materials such as published adventures. From there, as the game prep addiction takes hold, you begin to make your own min-adventures, stories filled with combat using the monsters you get out of the books you buy.

December 10, 2010

Arcane Secrets, for Arcane Heroes

I am continually in awe of Michael Wolf’s genius. I also find myself inspired by his works. After reading over Michael’s little gem titled Arcane Heroes, I got to thinking about some expansions...

December 3, 2010

Handmade Gamer Gifts

The holidays are upon us, and ’tis the season for the usual agonizing over what to get your favorite gamer as a gift. With the way the economy has been for the past...

December 2, 2010