Earlier today I installed the DISQUS comment system on Stargazer’s World. At the same time…
Free Stuff Friday: Vampire The Requiem Demo
Back in the day I’ve played in a lot of World of Darkness campaigns. I…
Let’s revive the Role Play Media Network
The RPMN, the social network for RPG bloggers, podcaster, vidcasters and their fans, which was…
If you are into computer and video games you might remember the action RPG Hellgate:…
Staying in the “Sweet Spot”
In the latest episode of RPG Circus Jeff, Mark and Zach talked about low, mid…
Review: Fantasy Craft Adventure Companion
When you have read my blog for quite a while you probably noticed that I…
Jim Ward in need of help
According to the Greyhawk Grognard, game design luminary Jim Ward, who is responsible for such…
The End of The Forge
Recently Ron Edwards announced that the famous indie RPG forum The Forge will enter into…
My rant on WotC’s new Character Builder
Yesterday WotC has announced a new, web-based Character Builder for DDI subscribes. While a web-based…
New RPG forum
Today the "RPG Table Talk” forums went life, a new forum for roleplaying game discussions…
Freebie: Arcane Heroes
Yesterday I finished my first play-through of Fable III, the latest game by Lionhead Studios.…
Chimera Basic is out! Get it now for free!
The Welsh Piper just released his latest RPG: Chimera Basic. Like Chimera 2.0 it’s a…
Eclipse Phase – A Study in Philanthropy
If you are even remotely interested in Science Fiction roleplaying games, you might have heard…
The State of the Industry and SPIEL
On last Saturday I attended SPIEL, the international game and toy fair in Essen, Germany.…
Roleplaying game settings based on an existing book, movie or computer game franchise can be…
Iron Dynasty – Way of the Ronin
It’s been months since Gen Con and I still haven’t read all the books I’ve…