Heroes of Adventure
While browsing on itch.io I recently stumbled upon Heroes of Adventure, a free, rules-light, OSR-adjacent…
What’s holding Open Legend back?
A while back I bought a used hardcover copy of Open Legend. According to its…
Some thoughts on The Fantasy Trip
Back in 2022 I bought the "The Fantasy Trip" bundle on Bundle of Holding. Before…
Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves
D&D: Honor Among Thieves is the latest movie based on the fan-favorite tabletop roleplaying games.…
My all-time favorite roleplaying game
Over the years I have played quite a few tabletop roleplaying games and I've read…
Fresh Take on d20 Modern in the works
Evil Genius Productions' Dave Scott recently let me know that they are working on "Everyday…
Valda’s Spire of Secrets – A quick look
In the last days I've been browsing the internet with the goal of finding interesting…
We finally killed Strahd!
For the last three years or so I was playing in an online Curse of…
A look at the Traveller Core Rulebook Update 2022
When I first read about Mongoose Publishing releasing a rather expensive update to their Traveller…
Tales of Xadia Playtest
The Dragon Prince is a Netflix show which took me a bit by surprise. Even…
Cyberpunk 2077 – Is it Worth It?
Usually I don't write about video games here on Stargazer's World. But Cyberpunk 2077 is…
I am interrupting my summer break to share my thoughts on a new Modiphius product…
A Look At Mörk Borg
For me Mörk Borg (Dark Castle) came totally out of the blue. I don't remember…
A Look At Old-School Essentials
Let me start by giving you some context. Even though I have enjoyed the roleplaying…
A Look At The Latest Humble RPG Book Bundle
At the time of this writing the Humble RPG Book Bundle: Cypher System and The…
Let's Have A Look At Everywhen
Everywhen by Filigree Forge is a 145-paged genre-agnostic roleplaying game using a modified version of…