The Genesys of a new game!
Miss me? Well that’s a deafening silence… I guess the interwebz is a harsh mistress.…
More Google+ Hangout musings
Yesterday I had my second game over Google+ Hangout (check out my post about my…
Ask the Readers: What’s your favorite Call of Cthulhu adventure?
On Saturday I have started making plans for New Year’s Eve. Like in the years…
Almost as good as the real deal: playing RPGs over Google+ Hangout
Yesterday I joined Chris McDowall and a group of three players I didn’t know before…
My edition of D&D
Recently it was announced that Monte Cook is working for WotC again. And of course…
Losing Faith in Oghma’s Faithful
Not long ago, Wizards of the Coast released the Neverwinter Campaign Setting. It expands upon…
First impressions: Abney Park’s Airship Pirates
A couple of days ago I found a mysterious package in mailbox. I opened it…
Teaching new games to an old group …
I think a lot of GMs love to try new stuff: new games, new rules,…
Starblazer Adventures: First session
On Saturday I finally ran my first Starblazer Adventures session. As I’ve detailed in a…
Time to Speak Out with my Geek Out… Role-Playing Games in my case!
Well that should come as no surprise… Past post and the theme of the blog…
Victorian & Steampunk Name Generator
I am terrible when it comes to coming up names for my characters. So whenever…
Caught unaware…
I am not a closet gamer! By that I mean I do not hide my…
Every RPG should have its own soundtrack!
On the weekend I started playing Deus Ex: Human Revolution, which is actually a prequel…
The Cold War and the Cthulhu Mythos
In December 2008 I first read about Charles Stross’ short story “A Colder War”. Imagine…
Ask The Readers: What’s your favorite Steampunk RPG?
My recently-discovered love for the music of Abney Park and their upcoming roleplaying game Airship…
Ashen Stars!
Today when I came home from work I found my copy of Ashen Stars in…