Other Videogames That Should Be Turned Into Pen and Paper RPGs @ allgeektout
Fellow RPG blogger Aaron Broder followed up on my post about videogames that should be…
DIY: Binding your printed PDFs
I know that a lot of gamers own PDF versions of roleplaying games, either because…
Five Things You Should Never Say to Your DM
Geek blog “Geeks are Sexy” has shown its love for Dungeon Masters last Friday. Their…
Videogames that should be turned into pen & paper RPGs
Recently the extremely successful Dragon Age: Origins by Bioware was brought to the gaming table…
Chimera RPG Price Reduction
When I opened my mailbox today I noticed that The Welsh Piper has sent its…
Get a free copy of KQ#10 until January 31
I think everyone already knows about the KQ store giving away the PDF version of…
No D&D for you, if you are serving life (Update)
It seems Penny Arcade joined the discussion about a court’s ruling to take away a…
News from the Dresden Files RPG
Yesterday’s post on the official The Dreden Files RPG website made my entire day: Evil…
Ask The Readers: What was your first game?
From what I’ve heard the majority of gamers started playing with a variation of D&D,…
No D&D for you, if you are serving life
I just found this news at BoingBoing and thought I should share it with you:…
Review: Alpha Omega – The Encountered Volume 1
In my “Best & Worst in Gaming 2009” posts, I picked the Alpha Omega RPG…
Join us on #rpmn
Some time ago, a couple of members of the Roleplay Media Network got fed up…
[Blog Carnival]: “We travel light. Let’s hunt some Orc.”
When you are a player, you probably don’t need much material to be able to…
[Blog Carnival]: How to make travel in your games more exciting
There’s the easy way to handle travel in your game and that’s just skipping it:…
Gamers Help Haiti Product Bundle @ DriveThruRPG
As you probably already know, One Book Shelf, the company behind RPGNow and DrivethruRPG is…
Ask the Readers: What’s your favorite rock band?
As a lot of ideas these days, the idea to this post developed on Twitter.…