Pleased to Meet you! I’m Shinobicow
Hey Everyone! It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance. My name is Shinobicow from…
RPG Bloggers are fans of Weird Al Yankovic
There was some talk on Twitter about whether RPG Bloggers are fans of Weird Al…
OpenD6 logo revealed
Recently the web developer who is working for Eric Gibson to create the OpenD6 website…
Get a discount at 6d6 Fireball!
Thanks for your help testing the 6d6 Fireball Affiliate System! I just got word from…
When your campaign has jumped the shark
Sometimes I get the feeling that my love for epic stories has got the best…
Help the guys from 6d6 Fireball test their Affiliate system!
The nice guys from 6d6 Fireball need your help. They are currently testing their Affilitate…
Did you know that TSR released a 22-page pulp RPG in Dragon magazine #42 back…
Good advice for all RPG bloggers
Yesterday fellow blogger Trask posted an article with advice for aspiring RPG bloggers over at…
Ad Astra: And so it begins… (Part 2)
The first part of my first Ad Astra adventure started a bit slow but that…
Dungeons & Dragons Online goes free to play
Ok, in my first post I told everyone that this blog is about pen &…
Earthdawn Third Edition
After FASA closed its doors, I lost track of what has happened to the Earthdawn…
Which fantasy writer am I?
Today when I was bored, I took the "Which fantasy writer are you?" quiz on…
Ad Astra: And so it begins…
On last Saturday we started our Ad Astra campaign. My group consist of three players.…
My idea for a magipunk setting
Recently I had a chat with fellow blogger pinakidion over Twitter about my Asecia setting that…
When the World of Darkness died …
A couple of years back I played in a lot of World of Darkness games.…
What happened to the Doctor Who RPG?
Some time ago Cubicle 7 Entertainment relaunched their website and while their other product lines…