Dawn of a New Age: A Postmortem!
My longest running super hero campaign is over… It lasted almost two years, and it…
The Top 5 posts of 2012
2012 has been a great year for the blog. According to the stats plugin I…
Greetings, Salutations, and Resolutions!
We’re back! After taking a well-deserved break Stargazer’s World is back in business. I want…
Taking a break!
The end of the world year is almost upon us and I decided to take…
The Known Author… An Interview with Bruce Heard!
Bruce Heard is a name I will forever associate with classic D&D content, but for…
Ask The Readers: What are your Holiday gaming plans?
Over the last couple of years I have regularly meet with my gaming group on…
Pen & Paper RPG Bloggers Community at Google+ and RPG blogging tips
Yesterday Google started to roll out a new feature for Google+ called Communities. Communities are…
Roleplaying music: An interview with James Semple
When it comes to soundtracks for pen & paper roleplaying games my favorite composer is…
Kickstarter: Fate Core System
Even though I haven’t played it that often I am a big fan of the…
NaGa DeMon: Another update
The progress on Galaxy Rising has been slowed down a bit in the last few…
NaGa DeMon: The final days
The National Game Design Month ends in a couple of days and I fear I…
NaGa DeMon: Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes
In the last post I revealed a few details about the rules system (which I…
NaGa Demon: A look at the layout
Yesterday I spent several hours to work on the layout of my NaGa DeMon project…
NaGa DeMon: A question of character
Due to some unforeseen family crisis progress on my NaGa DeMon project is much slower…
The Kobold, the Quarterly and the Contest!
Fall is upon us (well those of us living in the northern hemisphere at least)!…
Kickstarter: Camp Myth: The RPG
Eloy Lasanta of Third Eye Games recently me told me about the Kickstarter project he’s…