Why do we play Roleplaying Games?
If you’ve followed discussions between roleplayers, read blogs, and played in different groups over the years,…
How to deal with “That Guy” or do we need a Social Contract?
During the years I have been active in the RPG scene (offline and online) the…
Kickstarter: Feng Shui 2
There are only a few games I enjoyed more than Robin D. Laws’ Feng Shui.…
Fuzion–Of unrealized Potential and being ahead of its Time
Back in 1998 I stumbled upon Fuzion, an universal roleplaying game which was available for…
Life and Times of a German Blogger Part 2
Reports of my unfortunate demise are highly exaggerated. Aside from being pretty tired all the…
D&D 5th Edition is much better than I anticipated
When I had a look at the first public playtest documents Wizards of the Coast…
My Thoughts on ICv2’s 2013 Hobby Survey Results and the Top 5 RPGs Spring 2014 List
A while ago, ICv2 has released the results of their 2013 hobby survey results. According…
Life and Times of a German blogger
Since I have been pretty quiet over the last few days I wanted to give…
Q&A with Mark Reed
Yesterday I posted about Heroic Journey Publishing's "Erinbour: Places of Power" Kickstarter. What excites me…
News of the World #2
In March I announced that I wanted to start an irregular column with news from…
Kickstarter: Erinbour–Places of Power
Today I had a short chat with Mark Reed who’s currently running the Erinbour Kickstarter…
Numenera: One of the best Games I ever ran!
On Saturday six of my friends and I met to play Numenera. None of us…
Countdown to Numenera
Tomorrow I’ll run my first game of Numenera. In addition to being the first time…
Make Games Not War!
Since the release of the D&D Basic Rules another war is waged in the RPG…
I’ve got Numenera on my Mind
Last Friday the Fallout campaign I was running came to an end. So we started…
A new Edition is always a good Thing, isn’t it?
Everyone is talking about the new edition of D&D right now. But as usual not…