Mercator-style maps in Photoshop
At Cartographer's Guild I discovered a tutorial that shows you step-by-step how to create an…
Fire & Ice
I recently read about the fantasy movie "Fire & Ice" and watched the trailer. From…
Review: Into the Grey
The German band Erdenstern is known for their "Fantastic music for the adventure in your…
Random musings
The last few days I spent some quality time with my girlfriend, played a couple…
Stargazer’s Irregulars forums
You probably remember when QuestingDM and I created an "Unofficial RPG Bloggers Network" behind the…
Chat with ICE on RPGBomb (get HARP for free until 9pm EST today)
The social network for RPG fans, RPGBomb, hosted a chat with the guys from Iron Crown…
Bill Coffin’s Septimus will be WEG’s first big release under the OpenD6 banner!
West End Games and Bill Coffin's Septimus are not dead after all! Recently Eric Gibson,…
Review: Questers of the Middle Realms
Questers of the Middle Realms is a tongue-in-cheek fantasy roleplaying game by Silver Branch Games.…
CSI: Sharn
On the German RPG blog "Limited Edition - Gedanken zum Rollenspiel" I discovered a very…
Ad Astra: Starships using PDQ rules
When you have a look at the PDQ core rules you'll notice that there is…
Another sale at RPGNow
I regularly check RPGNow for interesting new freebies and/or sales. Today I noticed that White…
The Horror of Leatherbury House
Following into the footsteps of Robertson Games I decided to share my submission to the…
Grognardia reviews Dungeonslayers
Yesterday James Maliszewski of Grognardia has posted a review of Dungeonslayers. He has written a pretty…
Ad Astra PDQ character creation
Last weekend my group of players and I decided to give the PDQ system a…
Help Zach to take his dad to the races!
Zachary, one of our fellow bloggers, needs your help. I have to admit that I…
The future of roleplaying #2
Just when I published my lastest  post, it struck me that I obviously missed a…