The way it’s meant to be played
Recently a lot of bloggers all over the network started to write about old-school gaming…
D&D 4th Edition without miniatures
When D&D 4th Edition was new, one of the first complaints was that it turned…
Dungeonslayers: The Thieves of Lyrkenfenn
Today one of the new members of the english Dungeonslayers community called ur_hekau has posted…
“Feuerwerk” released
Today the second supplement for Dungeonslayers has been released. "Feuerwerk" is a 6-page PDF which…
What class are you?
Wizards obviously has a new quiz that allows you to determine which class suits you…
Preview: “Open Game Table, The Anthology of Roleplaying Game Blogs”
If you haven't been living under a rock for the last few months you have…
Old-school renaissance
There has been a renaissance of old-school games recently. Just think of all the retro-clones…
The future of D&D
This morning I've read gamegrene's review of D&D 5th Edition. 5th edition, are you kidding…
Future of the Iron Kingdoms RPG line still unclear
Recently Privateer Press announced that they are going to release an updated version of their…
Some thoughts on Paizo’s new licenses
Only a few days after Wizards of the Coast has released the updated GSL, Paizo…
Firearms for Dungeonslayers
While the Dungeonslayers  translation entered the edit and layout phase I worked on a second project…
Feed troubles
I am currently having some trouble with my RSS feed. Somehow my review of Microlite20…
Kurt Wiegel rants on …
... and it's not pretty. I still don't understand why he is doing this. I…
Review: Microlite20 purest essence
I am always interested in roleplaying games I haven't played before and especially when they…
Dungeonslayers: The deed is done!
Today the english edition of Dungeonslayers was finally released! Only 22 days ago, a small…
The GM is not the enemy, or is he?
Today Penny Arcade posted another comic with a roleplaying theme called "The Old Ways". I…