Sci-Fi Fridays! Wanderers of the Outlands Part XV
Week 15… I've written a lot for my sci-fi Savage Worlds campaign, as these Sci-Fi Fridays!…
Atomic Robo RPG is now available for preorder!
Yesterday Evil Hat Productions finally made the Atomic Robo Roleplaying Game available for preorder! The…
Fate Accelerated Idea: Ultima
When I was younger I was a huge fan of the Ultima CRPG series. Ultima…
On being on the other side of the GM screen
For years I've been almost exclusively been in the GM seat, but recently I've actually…
Sci-Fi Fridays! Wanderers of the Outlands Part XIV
Another Friday, another post in the Sci-Fi Fridays! series, I’m currently sharing the background I’ve…
Atomic Robo!
There's currently one roleplaying game I am extremely excited about and that's the Atomic Robo…
Sci-Fi Fridays! Wanderers of the Outlands Part XIII
Lucky number 13! You’ll find no triskaidekaphobia here… I’m thrilled to keep on sharing the…
Ask The Readers: What are you running with Fate Accelerated?
At first I want to apologize for not having posted in a while. At first…
Sci-Fi Fridays! Wanderers of the Outlands Part XII
This is part 2 of the timeline to my sci-fi campaign, if you missed last…
Sci-Fi Fridays! Wanderers of the Outlands Part XI
Week 11, if you just joined us this is my weekly series detailing my new…
First Look: Character Artist 3
Character Artist 3 by ProFantasy Software is their latest Campaign Cartographer addon. It allows you…
The “Belated” German Free RPG Day–A Retrospective
Things have been a bit quieter than usual on Stargazer’s World lately. One reason for…
Sci-Fi Fridays! Wanderers of the Outlands Part X
This is the 10th post on my weekly series detailing my new Savage Worlds sci-fi…
Sci-Fi Fridays! Wanderers of the Outlands Part IX
I have officially reached my mark! My last weekly series of posts about my Star…
From the Mindscape network: An Interview with Sarah Newton
Back in 2011 I published my first interview with Sarah Newton, RPG designer and author…
Kickstarter: Breachworld
Recently I stumbled upon a Kickstarter project I just had to back! Breachworld is a…