Starblazer Adventures meets the Mass Effect Universe
Some time ago I wrote about my plans to run a Starblazer Adventures game. As…
Review: Midgard Bestiary Volume 1
If you haven’t been living under a rock for the last few years, you surely…
Twitter and me!
I was not keen on Twitter at first. Some may say I am not big…
New Savage Worlds Test Drive… and more!
A couple of weeks ago I wrote about just how excited I was about the…
What about Might of the Magus? A review…
When I reviewed the Complete Advanced Feats, and I wished I could see an Advanced…
Trust issues
Over the years I have talked with a lot of roleplaying game players about rules-light…
What about Kobold Quarterly #18? A review…
Ah the change of seasons, the passing of time. Maddening heat and unending rain have…
Starblazer Adventures Storyteller’s Screen
Following the advice of fellow blogger GeneD5 I ordered the Starblazer Adventures Storyteller’s Screen. I…
Kobold Quarterly #18 out now!
The latest issue of Kobold Quarterly has been released today and as always it contains…
Review: Dark Harvest – Legacy of Frankenstein
In late May the postman brought me a mysterious package from Cubicle 7 Entertainment. When…
Preparing for Starblazer Adventures
My current gaming dry spell is about to end next Tuesday evening. A few RPG…
Review: “Crime Pays: A Godfather’s Grimoire”
Do you remember the first time you saw “The Godfather”? I remember it pretty well.…
Behold this month’s DriveThruRPG 20% discount!
As in the months before we can provide you with a coupon code that let’s…
Digital Crits and Fumbles!
If you are a Pathfinder RPG fan like me you might already know this, but just in…
You learn who your true friends are in times of hardship…
I have not posted here since July 1st, and my last post was about the…
RPG Blogging 101: You need to have a thick skin!
In light of recent events I thought it would be a good idea to come…