Quick and Easy Friends
I am all in favour of an easy life. Although I have never played 5e…
Guest Post: Combat of the Thirty
Handling chivalry in RPGs is hard. Genre fiction loves chivalry and honor almost as much…
#RPGaDay 2019, let’s do this one more time! (Days 1 to 4)
You all know the drill by now. I drop off the face of the Earth…
Thinking about Adventures
Normally when I create adventures for my players I know everything what has happened before,…
Game Icons
I am probably very late to the game but I just discovered Game Icons back…
Easy NPC Reactions
Michael recently posted about the 3hex style of starting a game off easily with minimal…
Podcast Recommendation: The Dungeon Master’s Handbook
This is a quick follow-up to my last post. I got in touch with Michael…
Confessions of a terrible GM
Ok, I am probably not that bad, but sometimes I feel that way. I’ve run…
#RPGaDay2018 – Day 21 and 22: Which dice mechanic and non-dice mechanic appeal to you?
Hello everybody… although I posted my videos yesterday on my YouTube channel and the channel…
Quietly beavering away
Today's RPGaDay2018 question is something like "Which non-dice systems appeal to you?" This made me…
#RPGaDay2018 – Playing catch up for Days 11, 12 & 13
I mention that I plan on not falling behind on my #RPGaDay2018 posts, and I…
#RPGaDay2018 – Day 7: How can a GM make the stakes important?
Welcome to Day 7 of #RPGaDay2018. Week 2, day 2 of How… week. The question…
#RPGaDay2018 – Day 6: How can players make a world seem real?
Welcome to Day 6 of #RPGaDay2018. It’s Monday, week 2, and we are venturing into…
Truly Collaborative
I am starting my reading up on Corolis but this is going to take a while…
#RPGaDay2017 Day 26: Wonderful toys!
Hello and welcome to the last Saturday post for #RPGaDay2017. We’re almost done. This month…
#RPGaDay2017 Day 25: Many thanks!
Another Friday, another #RPGaDay2017 post. I was a little stumped for today’s topic, unsure whether…