Deconstructing Metaplots
I have a confession to make (another one you say)! As a Game Master I really…
Deathwatch: Final Sanction
Fantasy Flight Games’ preview adventure to the upcoming Deathwatch roleplaying game is finally available for…
June Solstice Giveaway contest
To celebrate the first day of summer (or winter if you are living on the…
Every Icon(ic) superhero needs a super villain!
Let it never be said that I am a fickle fan! The superhero fever steamroller…
What about the Genius Guide to Mystic Godlings? A review…
Like my previous post this one is also a review of a PDF product we…
Dungeonslayers is now on Facebook
Dungeonslayers, the old-fashioned roleplaying game, is now out to conquer the world using the popular…
What about Champions Universe? A review…
This is a short review about a PDF product we recently received a review copy…
Roll Through the Ages
First of all, a big apology to everybody who is waiting for me to write…
More ICONS goodness…
My super fever continues and shows no sign of abating, not that I want it…
Fantasy Craft giveaway: The lucky winner!
This weekend Roberto and I talked about who should get the free PDF copy of…
Field Report (part 2): Alien Survivor (via Lady Blackbird)
That is the most convoluted title to any of my posts… But I digress! When…
Warrior, Rogue & Mage: Character sheet!
Today I created an one-paged character sheet for "Warrior, Rogue and Mage". Enjoy! The character…
What about ICONS? A review…
ICONS RPG is a new superhero role-playing game by Adamant Entertainment. It has been enthusiastically…
Review: Sunken Empires
Sunken Empires is one of Open Design’s latest Pathfinder compatible products. On 82 pages you…
Rolling up an Icon(ic) Superhero!
Ever since I began reading the ICONS RPG I’ve been itching to roll up a…
Free Stuff Friday: Dungeons & Dragons
It's Friday and it's time to give you some more free stuff! This weeks Free…