RPG a Day 2016: Here, there, and everywhere! – Day 27
We’re on the final stretch here on #RPGaDay 2016. Last Saturday post of the challenge…
RPG a Day 2016: Hobby Mix & Match – Day 26
After today there are only five days to go on this year’s #RPGaDay 2016! August…
RPG a Day 2016: Quadruple Threat! Days 21, 22, 23 & 24
Sorry for the absence gals and guys! After all the boasting of not giving up…
RPG a Day 2016: The Multimedia RPG Revolution- Day 18
This is more like it, a topic that gets my creative juices flowing! The question…
RPG a Day 2016: Guess who’s coming to the game? Part Deux- Day 17
If you thought I was late yesterday… at least it’s still the 17th in my…
RPG a Day 2016: Guess who’s coming to the game? – Day 16
Welcome to Tuesday and the continuing series of posts for #RPGaDay 2016. Today’s topic is…
RPG a Day 2016: Favorite Inspiration for your Game Part 2 – Day 15
Another week begins, and a new set of posts for #RPGaDay 2016 challenge. Here’s hoping…
RPG a Day 2016: The KICK! Principle – Day 13
Saturday once more, we’re almost done with week two, and today we touch on a…
RPG a Day 2016: Parts greater than the whole – Day 9
Continuing the second week of the #RPGaDay 2016 challenge, let’s tackle today’s topic, which to…
RPG a Day 2016: Do you like it hard or soft? – Day 8
Week two! And what better way to star than with a double entendre click bait…
RPG a Day 2016: Better living through gaming! – Day 7
Sunday, Sunday, Sunday! It’s and #RPGaDay 2016 post here at Stargazer’s World. Welcome back dear…
RPG a Day 2016: Giving back to the community – Day 6
We don’t usually post on Saturdays here in the blog, unless something special happens, like…
Gamer Rewatch Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace
In preparation for Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens, like almost everybody out…
Interview with Jeff Dee of Monkey House Games
Writing for this blog (and through it and our efforts with Puerto Rico Role Players)…
Herding Cats, Mythos Style!
I’m rarely a player these days, and I’m not complaining. My gaming time is limited,…
RPG a Day 2015 Challenge – Day 31
And so we come to the end of #RPGaDay2015, this has been a great month,…