They don’t sparkle, period!
I know I am late to the party, the Vampire the Masquerade 20th anniversary celebration…
More details on my new campaign
On the weekend my girlfriend worked on the campaign world for our upcoming Shadow, Sword…
What about the Kobold of Winter, aka #20? A review…
“The Winter Kobold is coming!” If those were the words of House Stark, Eddard would…
New Year, New Game
One of my goals for 2012 was to play more often and until now things…
Dinner with Gamers
Recently I sat down for dinner with friends at the Golden Place Buffet in Guaynabo.…
Oldies but goodies! Some great digital game supplements for the New Year…
It’s really strange that I just classified as “oldies” some books that became available in…
New Year’s Gaming Resolutions
Before talking about the plans for 2012 let’s have a look back at the last…
Review: Doctor Who Adventures in Time and Space
Roleplaying games based on licensed material are usually hit or miss. Either they are either…
Happy New Year
Even though I am still on vacation I wanted to give you a short update…
Some of you may have heard about Krampus, that mythical creature that somewhat resembles the…
Freebies: Renaissance
Yay! I have been waiting for this since I first read about it: Renaissance is…
Unfinished business
I think as a whole we human beings are completists. We want to complete what…
Ask The Stargazer: “What is the one RPG that you have never run, but have always wanted to?”
Today’s question has been asked by a reader who calls himself Lon. And while it’s…
News from Promethea
Dark Harvest: Legacy of Frankenstein is undoubtedly one of the most impressive games I reviewed…
Legend – Help raising money for Child’s Play and get a cool RPG in exchange
Rule of Cool Gaming’s Legend RPG has probably the most generic name a fantasy RPG…
A dearth of ideas…
As I sit here pondering about role-playing games, in my turkey fuelled semi-conscious state of…