Ask The Stargazer: “How should one go about starting an rpg blog?”
Yesterday I got the following email: Dear Michael/Stargazer, My question for you sir, is this?…
Freebies: Atomic Highway
Atomic Highway, an excellent post-apocalyptic roleplaying game written by Colin Chapman is now available for…
Guerrero, Pícaro y Mago
The deed is done! Warrior, Rogue & Mage has been translated into Spanish! You can…
Ask The Readers: Tell me about Gamma World!
Let me start by saying that I didn’t particularly enjoy playing D&D 4th Edition. Over…
My NaGa DeMon diary #2
My project is progressing much slower than I anticipated. But I actually made some progress…
TRPBTNTWA or “Things Role Playing Bloggers Tend Not To Write About”
Fellow RPG blogger Noisms came up with a list of subjects RPG bloggers usually don’t…
Using the Kindle at the game table
Yesterday I finally got my Kindle. For quite a while I have been pondering whether…
Update: WR&M in Spanish
Yesterday I got the final PDF of the Spanish translation of WR&M. I have to…
My NaGa DeMon diary #1
On Friday I announced my project for this year’s NaGa DeMon. It will be a…
I finally had an idea for what I want to work on for NaGa DeMon!…
Putting fantastic back into Fantasy
Yesterday I played in another session of Chris McDowall’s “Into the Odd” over Google+ Hangout.…
Update on the status of “Ask the Stargazer!”
I just wanted to give you a small update on the new “Ask the Stargazer!”…
My Plans for NaGa DeMon
Last week I’ve posted about this year’s National Game Design Month (don’t let you distract…
Dark Dungeons – The Animated Film
As a roleplayer you surely know the Jack Chick tract “Dark Dungeons” and if you…
Ask The Stargazer!
For a while now I have been thinking about starting a new hopefully regular feature…
Tricks or Treats at the spookiest RPG Download Store!
DriveThruRPG is wishing us all happy Halloween by giving away a couple of free products.…