Changing Spells
On the weekend I played the "Mansions of Madness" board game for the first time.…
Sci-Fi Fridays! Wanderers of the Outlands Part I
Welcome dear reader! As part of my renewed efforts to contribute more to the blog…
I’ve got RIFTS on my mind… Let’s talk about characters
I blame two men for my recent obsession with RIFTS and neither of them is…
Fallout Fudged is now on Obsidian Portal
Some people requested that I make the house rules I created for my Falloout Fudged…
Good bye 2013… Hello 2014!
Year in review posts, they've been done before… And I’ll do one gain! 2013 was…
Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!
Yesterday my vacation started and so I decided to take a few days off from…
A New Look
When I checked my blog this morning, Wordpress reminded me that I should upgrade to…
Dust and Mirrors: A soundtrack for Night’s Black Agents
Over the last years Pelgrane Press have become one of my favorite publishers. Their games…
Shadowrun using Technoir? Might that work?
Yes, I am still looking for alternative ways to run a Shadowrun game. While I…
Designers & Dragons: Sneak Peek released
When I first encountered roleplaying games in the early 1990s, the hobby was already about…
Why I prefer rules-light games
In a comment on one of my post someone told me that I am overanalyzing…
Ask The Readers: Shadowrun WaRPed?
Over the last few weeks I have been thinking a lot about Shadowrun. A while…
Roleplaying in the world of The Elder Scrolls series
Recently I have started playing "The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim" again. The fifth game in the…
Real World Gadget, Gaming Possibilities
I recently got a little gadget I was looking forward to, the Google Chromecast. It’s…
Recommended Reading: The Atrocity Archives by Charles Stross
This morning I finished reading "The Atrocity Archive", a short novel by author Charles Stross,…
Create your own font!
Wouldn't it be cool if you could create your own TrueType fonts that you could…