The One Ring: Beginnings

A couple of days ago I read that Cubicle 7 has released a video on YouTube that shows The One Ring artist Jon Hodgson in conversation with its designer Francesco Nepitello. But it...

July 31, 2011

Christmas in July!

I just wanted to remind all our readers that the Christmas in July sale at DriveThruRPG is still underway. Until the end of the month you have the chance to get hundreds of...

July 28, 2011

Trust issues

Over the years I have talked with a lot of roleplaying game players about rules-light games. The older I get the more I gravitate towards rules-light systems, because I feel they suit my...

July 20, 2011

Kobold Quarterly #18 out now!

The latest issue of Kobold Quarterly has been released today and as always it contains a lot of great material for you game. The 100-paged magazine contains articles for all of the major...

July 18, 2011