Into The Odd
I think I have talked about Chris McDowall’s Into the Odd on Stargazer’s World already.…
Adventurer Conqueror King
This morning I stumbled upon “Adventurer Conqueror King” on RPGNow. It’s a roleplaying game based…
Our thoughts on D&D 5th Edition
I have to admit that I was totally oblivious to WotC’s big announcement (which was…
New Year’s Gaming Resolutions
Before talking about the plans for 2012 let’s have a look back at the last…
First Look: Carcosa
I don’t remember when I first heard about Carcosa. I think someone mentioned it on…
Dark Dungeons – The Animated Film
As a roleplayer you surely know the Jack Chick tract “Dark Dungeons” and if you…
Get 20% off of selected titles at DriveThruRPG
If you have been following this blog you probably have seen these discounts before. Every…
Almost as good as the real deal: playing RPGs over Google+ Hangout
Yesterday I joined Chris McDowall and a group of three players I didn’t know before…
My edition of D&D
Recently it was announced that Monte Cook is working for WotC again. And of course…
Get 20% off until September 20 on selected DriveThruRPG titles
As in the months before DriveThruRPG has provided us with a coupon code that gives…
D&D is rubbish! Or is it?
EN World’s Morrus shared three videos created by Nikolas Lloyd three days ago. In these…
From Weird West to Barbarians of the Future
Today I want to share a couple of things I stumbled upon during the last…
Gen Con 2011, a retrospective… Part 1: Role Playing Games
Last time I wrote about Gen Con was a week ago as I did my…
Plastic Crack is Wack!
As I’ve said before, miniatures in my games a relatively new addition, only since 2001…
How we buy games… A retrospective!
This week I purchased some digital RPG supplements in PDF, pre-ordered a book, and I…
Campaign Primer Ideas! Part 1
Fellow poster, and all around nice guy, Shinobicow (who also has a really cool nick,…