Some Thoughts on the Dragon Age RPG
On Saturday I had the chance to play the Dragon Age RPG by Green Ronin…
Deus Ex Machina
Next month I’ll be running two games at a local con. Initially I planned to…
Interview: Chris Birch
Recently I had the chance to do a short interview with Chris Birch from Modiphius.…
Some Thoughts on Technoir
Technoir, Jeremy Keller’s cyberpunk roleplaying game, was one of the first Kickstarter projects I supported…
First Impressions: Beyond The Wall
Yesterday evening I had the chance to create my first character for Beyond The Wall…
Kickstarter: Packs!
Today I want to point out to you the Packs! Kickstarter campaign. Packs! is the…
Why there will be no 2nd Edition of WR&M
Over the last years I have thought several times about creating a 2nd Edition of…
Review: Mutant Year Zero
Mutant Year Zero is one of the games that took me completely by surprise. I…
What am I Reading at the Moment?
I am a collector of roleplaying games. While most people only buy what they intend…
On the Citizens of the Imperium forums I stumbled upon a thread about a very…
My Gift to the WR&M Community
Recently a couple of people from the Stargazer’s World Google+ Community have started compiling new…
Hero Quest anyone?
In my Happy New Year post I’ve mentioned Hero Quest 2nd Edition by Robin Laws.…
WR&M Pocket Edition–A few Thoughts
During this year’s NaGaDeMon I worked on two projects: rewriting Galaxy Core (I worked on…
Review: Traveller Spinward Marches – Excellent Maps for Explorers and Merchants
I don’t think I need to tell you about the importance of maps in roleplaying…
NaGaDeMon: WR&M Pocket Edition
Over the last few days I have continued working on the project I dubbed WR&M…
Cypher System
Sometimes life is stranger than fiction. Just when I finished writing my post about generic…