FATE review
"Fantastic Adventures in Tabletop Entertainment" or FATE for short is a free roleplaying game by…
Recently I stumbled upon a new rules-light roleplaying game called "Dungeonslayers". Dungeonslayers consists of 12…
Can Mutants & Masterminds replace d20 Modern?
In an earlier post I've written about the dead or undead status of d20 Modern.…
No capes!
Capes, costumes, secret identities are the common tropes of the superhero genre. But there are…
RIFTS Ultimate Edition – Just my two cents
When I today opened my mailbox I found an US airmail envelope with the RIFTS…
Fantasy Superheroes
We all know the classic superhero comics. Usually they are set into our modern world…
One GM screen to rule them all
I have seen a lot GM screens in my roleplaying times and most of them…
Pirates are playing in the sandbox
This saturday, we concluded our first Pirates of the Spanish Main adventure. I used the…
“Savage Worlds Explorer’s Edition” Review
Savage Worlds is a multi-genre roleplaying game created by Pinnacle Entertainment. So it's no coincidence…
Superhero campaigns
Although I am no avid fan I like superhero comics, movies and computer games. I…
Horror Improved!
Running a horror campaign is very hard work. Imagine a scene where the players should…
Savage Worlds
Last Saturday some friends came over to my place to play some board games. When…
The HPLHS Props & Fonts CD
Some days ago I stumbled upon the website of the H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society. I…