Bachelor Party RPG!
“Rick Gassko is settling down… But before he walks down the aisle with Debbie he’s…
L5R 4th Edition Core Rulebook – Full Review
Today, I’m proud to bring you my complete review of the Legend of the Five…
Alternity memories…
The recent post by HyenaSpotz about the Alternity RPG really struck home! I was a…
Mutants & Masterminds 3rd edition Unboxing
[gallery link="file"] Today was a pretty cool day. I swung by the postoffice after work…
[Dungeonslayers] Caera map created with CC3
It’s always amazing what talented people can do with tools like Campaign Cartographer 3. And…
Review: Alternity
Alternity, by Bill Slavicsek and Richard Baker, is a science-fiction role-playing game released in 1998…
Player Advice: Make your character come alive!
This post came out of a conversation I was having with Michael over IM about…
Dying Earth is back with a vengeance!
Some time ago Pelgrane Press lost the license to produce the Dying Earth RPG based…
All Wrapped Up: My World Building Wrap-Up Post
So, since my world building series has now wrapped up, it seems appropriate to put…
Free Stuff Friday: Redbox Hack
It's Friday and it's time to give you some more free stuff! This week's Free…
World Building Part 10 – The End of the World as We Know It?
Well, all good things have to come to an end. This will be my final…
Crazy Campaign Chronicles: Defenders of the Earth Redux or a Very Pulpy Future!
Introductory note: As Game Master I constantly get ideas for new campaigns. I take notes…
Ultimate History of Dungeons & Dragons
This might have been around for a while, but I only recently discovered it. The…
Attributes? We need no stinking attributes! Or do we?
For the last few days I have pondered about attributes in roleplaying game. Most of…
Life and times of a RPG industry freelancer
The week I spent at Gen Con 2010 was one of the most exciting weeks…
Free Stuff Friday: Saturday Night Delves #1: Revenge of the Iron Lich
It’s Friday and it’s time to give you some more free stuff! This week’s Free…