Exploring Modiphius

I have started to look at Mutant Year Zero as part of my following up on the suggestions I was given. The WEG d6 games are contenders but I can feel my house...

November 22, 2017

WEG D6 first play report

Following on from a couple of recent posts (https://www.stargazersworld.com/2017/10/28/looking-for-a-spiritual-home/ and https://www.stargazersworld.com/2017/11/10/first-impressions-of-west-end-games-d6/) I actually got to play over the weekend. We played the D6 Fantasy version and I played a thief. It was my original intention...

November 15, 2017

Let the Quest Begin!

In my recent post (‘Looking for a Spiritual Home’) Johnkzin made loads of constructive suggestions and asked a few questions. The problem with Pathfinder and 5e for that matter is that I have...

November 2, 2017