#RPGaDay2017 Day 20: Gaming at e(of the)bay…
Third time’s the charm with these #RPGaDay2017 posts, thanks for dropping by for a read.…
#RPGaDay2017 Day 19: Writers, write. Gamers, game.
Well hello there! Thanks for coming back for the third Saturday installment of #RPGaDay2017. This…
#RPGaDay2017 Day 18: The Answer is D&D
Today’s answer has been a constant all week, and it’s fitting it will be the…
There will be an Expanse RPG
A while ago, I was wondering why there was no roleplaying game based on Ty…
#RPGaDay2017 Day 17: Oldie and unknown
Welcome back reader. I hope everyone is enjoying my August return. Just like that mythic…
The Force is with us!
By now you probably know Fantasy Flight Games is doing a reprint of the Star…
#RPGaDay2017 Day 16: Game is as is. No returns!
Hello everyone to the hump post! Week three of #RPGaDay2017 continues apace. Today is the…
I might not be done with Fate after all
About a year ago, I wrote a post about how I decided Fate was not…
#RPGaDay2017 Day 15: House rules always win!
#RPGaDay2017 week three is here! Thanks for sticking around. Here we go… August 15: Which…
First Look: The Frontier by One Dwarf Army
Do you like science fiction? Guns? Action? Games like Borderlands or Destiny? The d20 System?…
#RPGaDay2017 Day 14: No end in sight
Monday is here! At least you have new #RPGaDay2017 content to enjoy. Today’s topic is…
Since their launch, platforms like Kickstarter and IndieGoGo helped to fund projects which would never…
#RPGaDay2017 Day 13: Change is the one constant
Hello readers! Thanks for dropping by on Sunday for the next question on #RPGaDay2017. Today…
New Warhammer 40,000 RPG in the Works
Ulisses North America has secured the precious Warhammer 40,000 roleplaying game license. This is huge!…
#RPGaDay2017 Day 12: Look at the pretty pictures
Welcome to the second Saturday post for #RPGaDay2017. If a picture speaks a thousand words,…
Stargazer’s World is now on Patreon
Patreon has been around for quite some time and it seems it works great for…