What about the Midgard Campaign Setting? A review…
The new Midgard Campaign Setting by Kobold Press is out, and it is a great…
Kickstarter: Nova Praxis
You probably remember Nova Praxis, the transhuman sci-fi tabletop roleplaying game I previewed a couple…
#GMwisdom, musings of a Game Master!
This past weekend I began tweeting a couple of reflections on RPG gaming on my…
Interview: Let’s Talk about Iron Kingdoms with Jason Soles
Back in 2001 a small company called Privateer Press released “The Witchfire Trilogy Book 1:…
What about Amethyst Renaissance? A review…
A personal note before diving into this review, hello dear reader, it’s good to be…
Kickstarter: “Dungeonlands: Tomb of the Lich Queen”
Savage Mojo’s Tommy Brownell contacted me a while ago and informed me about a Kickstarter…
Ask Th’ Readers: What’s Yer favorite Pirate RPG?
Hello, me heartys. As ye all may well know 'tis Talk Like A Pirate Day.…
Lazy Monday Video Post: Dungeon Bastard – Bill Cavalier vs. Monte Cook
I actually tried to come up with a witty and interesting post this morning, but…
Preview: Nova Praxis
A while ago, Void Star’s Mike McConnell contacted me and asked me if I was…
Review: Iron Kingdoms Core Rules
Back in 2008 I lamented the lack of Privateer Press’ support for the Iron Kingdoms…
Dungeons & Dragons: A Documentary
A couple of days ago I was made aware of the D&D: A Documentary Kickstarter.…
A look at BASH! Sci-Fi Edition
In my search for a roleplaying game system that I can use for that Perry…
tremulus Sneak Peek
Earlier today Sean Preston of Reality Blurs released a sneak peek of tremulus with his…
Running Games in the Perry Rhodan universe? Possible or not?
Perry Rhodan is definitely my favorite SF series. Even though it’s pretty unknown in the…
Gaming Etiquette 101
It seems like gaming dry spells are contagious. Well I can identify the reason for…
Stuff for the travelling GM: Bluetooth Audio Cube
Even though I am currently going through a gaming dry spell, it doesn’t mean that…