Short Cthulian Bit: The Spiraling Worm
If you follow me over social media (and you can find out how to at…
Ten Games I Would Take To A Desert Island
In the German roleplaying blog scene people have been posting about the ten RPGs they…
What about Monsters of Sin: Avarice, Envy & Gluttony? A review…
The Seven Deadly Sins have a strange allure in modern society. They figure prominently not…
A new avatar!
We interrupt you regular blog reading with this important message. I just got a new…
Under the Influence
In his article "The GM's Influence on Character" in Kobold Quarterly #22, famous actor Monte…
All of you probably know the Free RPG Day. Even though the official Free RPG…
Summer Sale at the Kobold Store
It’s seems these are dire times for my wallet, because everyone is having those sweet…
Review: Kobold Quarterly #22
Summer marches onward, scorching us with unrelenting heat. My only relief is the Summer 2012…
It’s Christmas in July again!
DriveThruRPG is celebrating Christmas in July again, which means a lot of cool products will…
Tremulus Playtest Report
I’ve been following the development of Reality Blurs’ tremulus for quite a while now and…
Everything you always wanted to know about “Into The Odd” but were afraid to ask
Into the Odd is definitely one of the coolest games I’ve played in a while…
Some thoughts on the ENnies nominations
Recently this year’s nominations to the ENnie Awards have been announced. I have to admit…
Review: Dark Harvest Resistance
Almost exactly a year ago I wrote a review of Dark Harvest – Legacy of…
Review: Midgard Bestiary (Pathfinder Edition)
As you may know from my review of Kobold Quarterly #21, I am out of…
Selling off part of my RPG books collection
I decided to get rid of some roleplaying game books I don't need anymore. Perhaps…
The perfect soundtrack for your Airship Pirates game
Abney Park’s Airship Pirates is a unique roleplaying game that combines elements from Steampunk with…