The Times They Are a-Changin’
This blog has existed for over 6 years now. Back in August 2008 the RPG…
Loot: More Traveller Stuff
This morning I had three books that I ordered from DriveThruRPG a while ago in…
My Two Cents on #Gamergate
I actually didn’t want to write about this subject on the blog. But there’s a…
I’m Back–Let’s talk about gaming!
The last two weeks were pretty relaxing. I managed to recharge my batteries, spend some…
Taking a few days off
I’m currently enjoying a couple of days off work. I’m pretty busy meeting friends, playing…
Freebie: Secrets of the Ancients for Traveller
While reading up on the Ancients on various Traveller forums and wikis I discovered that…
When You Realize that You’re the Baddy
I have always been interested in history and I always found it quite intriguing to…
I’ve Got Traveller On My Mind
For years I wanted to run a proper SciFi game. I’ve made plans for Stars…
First Look: Corporia
Today I was contacted by Mark Plemmons, designer of the urban fantasy RPG Corporia. He’s…
1st Kellercon in Limburg
Yesterday the first Kellercon has taken place in Limburg, Germany. We chose the name Kellercon…
My thoughts on “Chess is not an RPG”
Today I stumbled upon a blog post by John Wick about game balance, social skills,…
Traveller without Aliens?
I am not sure if I already wrote on the blog about it, but I…
More Thoughts on the Cypher System
Over the last few weeks I have posted several times about Numenera and praised the…
Mental Health in Roleplaying Games
Because of my personal and professional experience I know quite a lot about mental health…
Why do we play Roleplaying Games?
If you’ve followed discussions between roleplayers, read blogs, and played in different groups over the years,…
How to deal with “That Guy” or do we need a Social Contract?
During the years I have been active in the RPG scene (offline and online) the…