The Endless Quest For A Science Fiction Campaign Setting
I think as long as I knew about roleplaying games I was looking for the…
Review: Conan – Adventures in an Age Undreamed Of (Part 3)
This is what you’ve been waiting for, the conclusion of my Conan – Adventures in…
Review: Conan – Adventures in an Age Undreamed Of (Part 2)
This is part two of my review of Modiphius’ Conan – Adventures in an Age…
Review: Conan – Adventures in an Age Undreamed Of (Part 1)
My first contact with Conan the Cimmerian was the 1982 movie “Conan the Barbarian”. It…
Video Game Recommendation: Torment–Tides Of Numenera
Yesterday InXile Entertainment released Torment: Tides of Numenera, the long-awaited computer role-playing game set into…
Sunglar’s Savage House Rules, Part 2!
Hello dear reader! This is a follow up to a previous post where I shared…
What about Mindjammer for Traveller? A Review…
So, I’m jumping on the blog’s Traveller bandwagon! About three months too late… I’ve been…
Free D&D 5e Campaign Settings for Magic Fans
For a while now Wizards of the Coast have been releasing free material for D&D…
EN Publishing and the Worlds of 2000AD
A couple of days ago I got an email by Angus Abranson with a press…
First Look: Kaigaku by Jacob Ross
UPDATE: Kaigaku Premium Edition is now available in print from DriveThruRPG! A while ago Jacob…
RIFTS: A Mind Melter and a Juicer meet in a bar…
Last week we finally started our RIFTS campaign! Yay! While we all had a lot…
A look at Low Fantasy Gaming
In one of my previous posts I have confessed my new-found love in all things…
Some Ramblings on the OSR, RIFTS, and more
A couple of years back the OSR was a mystery to me. For me it…
My Gamer ADD is again in Full Swing
At the moment thousands of ideas are rushing through my head. I am looking at…
Let’s Talk Again About RIFTS
Over the weekend I kept thinking about RIFTS and how I could run it without…
Hidden Gem: The Unexplained
Yesterday I bought a copy of Carnivore Games’ The Unexplained, a Fudge-based game in which…