Never. Stop. Making. Games.
Today I stumbled upon a blog post that basically asked all indie and amateur game…
Food at the table (or other designated gaming area) what to do… Ask the readers!
I am a portly fellow, I’ll admit it. Or you may say pleasantly plumpy. Ok…
Freebies: Renaissance
Yay! I have been waiting for this since I first read about it: Renaissance is…
My take on “unfinished business”
In his latest post Roberto (aka Sunglar) shared his thoughts about “unfinished business”, campaigns that…
Unfinished business
I think as a whole we human beings are completists. We want to complete what…
Lazy Friday Video post: “John Carter of Mars – Full Trailer”
Yes, I know this is quite off-topic, but damn, this movie is looking better and…
Ask The Stargazer: “What is the one RPG that you have never run, but have always wanted to?”
Today’s question has been asked by a reader who calls himself Lon. And while it’s…
Tales from the Ancient Scroll: Hunters in the Dark
Editor’s Note: This is the first post in a series of adventure ideas written by…
WordPress Dice Roller
Recently I was made aware of some pretty cool dice roller widgets created by Awesome…
News from Promethea
Dark Harvest: Legacy of Frankenstein is undoubtedly one of the most impressive games I reviewed…
Puerto Rico Role Players: spreading our wings… And our horizons!
If you regularly read my posts you’ll have noticed that from time to time I…
Legend – Help raising money for Child’s Play and get a cool RPG in exchange
Rule of Cool Gaming’s Legend RPG has probably the most generic name a fantasy RPG…
NaGa DeMon: I surrender!
As I’ve written last week, I doubt I will get my NaGa DeMon project done.…
A dearth of ideas…
As I sit here pondering about role-playing games, in my turkey fuelled semi-conscious state of…
Searching For The Best RPG
I have been on an epic quest these last few months tirelessly searching for what…
What was, what is and what will be
After a few days being sick, I finally went back to work today. I think…