Update on the Technoir RPG Kickstarter
Some days ago I told you about the Technoir RPG and that it’s author Jeremy…
“Spanish, Spanish, Spanish saving throw, Spanish”: Role-Playing in different languages
Recently I had a tweet exchange with Shaun and Michael about which language we role-played…
Stargazer Games presents … BADASS!
Have you ever wanted to play a game that kicks that logic in the face,…
Communication Breakdown: Language in RPGs
The other night I got my hands on a copy of Rogue Trader, one of…
My thoughts on PDF pricing and print + PDF bundles
In Youseph’s recent unboxing post the subject of PDF pricing came up again. He criticized…
Technoir is an upcoming cyberpunk roleplaying game designed by Jeremy Keller, author of the ENnie…
Mass Effect and Ashen Stars – Could this work?
From time to time I get the urge to run a SF campaign using the…
The Klarkash-Ton Cycle
I usually don’t talk about non-RPG books here on Stargazer’s World, but I don’t think…
Castles & Crusades Unboxing
Based on recommendations from more than one friend and reviews I had been reading on the…
First Impressions: Caladon Falls
Although Caladon Falls and Savage Suzerain have been around for a while now, I was…
Plastic Crack is Wack!
As I’ve said before, miniatures in my games a relatively new addition, only since 2001…
Ask The Readers: What is your favorite “noir” RPG?
Last weekend I have played L.A. Noire the latest video game created by Rockstar Games…
Leverage RPG – The Full Review… Finally…
Alternate Title - Everybody Needs Some Leverage Well, after quite the long hiatus from the…
Some advice for the new RPGBA members
When I woke up this morning I was amazed to see that the number of…
The RPG Blog Alliance is now open for business!
Jeff Uurtamo just announced the start of a new blog community for RPG-related blogs and…
How we buy games… A retrospective!
This week I purchased some digital RPG supplements in PDF, pre-ordered a book, and I…