RPG a Day 2016: RPG Cribs – Day 30
So we come to this, day 30, the penultimate day of #RPGaDay 2016. So much…
RPG a Day 2016: “I find your lack of good taste disturbing” – Day 28
And here we are just three days away from the end of #RPGaDay 2016. Ok…
RPG a Day 2016: Hobby Mix & Match – Day 26
After today there are only five days to go on this year’s #RPGaDay 2016! August…
RPG a Day 2016: A Matter of Character – Day 25
Back to our regular schedule! We’re on the home stretch. As August draws to a…
RPG a Day 2016: “Shall play a game?”- Day 19
Friday at last! What a week... If you’ve been following my #RPGaDay 2016 posts you’ll…
RPG a Day 2016: Favorite Inspiration for your Game Part 2 – Day 15
Another week begins, and a new set of posts for #RPGaDay 2016 challenge. Here’s hoping…
RPG a Day 2016: The KICK! Principle – Day 13
Saturday once more, we’re almost done with week two, and today we touch on a…
RPG a Day 2016: Parts greater than the whole – Day 9
Continuing the second week of the #RPGaDay 2016 challenge, let’s tackle today’s topic, which to…
Music for your game: No Man’s Sky
I love using music in my games. Nothing sets the mood better than a fitting…
Why are some games so hard to understand?
Over the years I’ve encountered dozens of games which are highly popular, are supposedly easy…
Making Stuff up As We Go Along
My favorite GMing style has always been “making stuff up as we go along” which…
Mindjammer Kickstarter final 48 hours!
The Mindjammer Kickstarter has been pretty strong so far and has now entered itslast 48…
Inkarnate Entertainment Team Interview
If you’re like me, your love for RPGs goes hand in hand with a love…
So You Want to Run A Hard SciFi Campaign?
A friend of mine is currently working on a scifi campaign set into our solar…
Carrot on a stick! Rewarding players for creating character background.
Motivating characters to create a background for their characters has always been a goal for…
Don’t Think Too Big!
For a while I have been struggling with a long-time dream of mine: a homebrew…