RPG a Day 2016: The KICK! Principle – Day 13
Saturday once more, we’re almost done with week two, and today we touch on a…
RPG a Day 2016: What to play next? – Day 12
It’s Friday, and I’m in love… with #RPGaDay 2016! Let’s ponder about the future. August…
RPG a Day 2016: And the most influential player award goes to… – Day 11
Welcome back reader. This year’s #RPGaDay 2016 is going by so quickly. It is amazing…
RPG a Day 2016: Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition! – Day 10
Dear reader, let’s start out with two apologies… First I’m sorry to be posting this…
RPG a Day 2016: Parts greater than the whole – Day 9
Continuing the second week of the #RPGaDay 2016 challenge, let’s tackle today’s topic, which to…
Music for your game: No Man’s Sky
I love using music in my games. Nothing sets the mood better than a fitting…
RPG a Day 2016: Do you like it hard or soft? – Day 8
Week two! And what better way to star than with a double entendre click bait…
Happy Birthday Stargazersworld!
Ok, it has been a couple of days since the blog’s actual birthday, but I…
Monte Cook’s New Game will be Weird – With a Capital W.
Earlier today my friend and fellow blogger Roberto Micheri told me about the next Monte…
RPG a Day 2016: Better living through gaming! – Day 7
Sunday, Sunday, Sunday! It’s and #RPGaDay 2016 post here at Stargazer’s World. Welcome back dear…
RPG a Day 2016: Giving back to the community – Day 6
We don’t usually post on Saturdays here in the blog, unless something special happens, like…
RPG a Day 2016 Character stories… Day 5
Welcome back dear reader. It’s Friday! And we’re on day 5 of #RPGaDay 2016. The…
RPG a Day 2016 Impressive, most impressive! Day 4
Allow me to quote the Dark Lord of the Sith… August 4: What is the most…
RPG a Day 2016, Triple Threat! Days 1, 2 & 3
Like a phoenix from the ashes, or a hungover party goer on Monday morning, I…
Hell froze over: There will be a new Alternity RPG
Wow! I actually haven’t believed this day would come, but Sasquatch Game Studio (veteran game…
I Think I’m Done With Fate
I’m finally back from being in the hospital for over 5 weeks where they treated…